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Factory Solar PV

Novograf Ltd approached us to assist with their desire to reduce the cost of their electricity bills. We worked with them to deliver a 100kWp Solar PV installation.

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100kW EMMA System

In order to allow the wind turbine to be connected to the grid, our customer needed a way to completely inhibit exported power. He came to us to design and install an EMMA system to suit his needs and allow his project to progress.

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White House Products Ltd

White House Products Ltd, manufacturer and distributor of the worlds largest range of hydraulic gear pumps, came to us to increase their renewable generation. Now with 60kW capacity of Solar PV and Wind Turbine they have drastically reduced their energy costs.

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Eco-School – Merrylee Primary School

A new school being built in Glasgow’s South Side was to have renewable energy integrated into the building design. We won a tender process, and went on to work closely with council, architects and main contractor to complete the project.

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Eco-School – Gullane Primary

Starting the trend of schools becoming more efficient in the way they use power, Gullane invested in renewable generators to improve their green image, as well as to help teach their pupils all about power and it’s uses.

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Self Sufficient Office Building

Already the winner of a Green Tourism Gold Award, the Seabird Centre wished to be able to meet a significant portion of its electricity needs with clean, green solar energy. Existing Solar energy systems powered their seabird cameras and parking machines – and the next step was the power for the seabird centre itself.

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