Winter Special

Special Offer - Jan 2013

At Solar and Wind Applications we constantly ensure our prices are as competitive as possible, whilst not compromising on the quality of the service or equipment you will receive for your installation. However, we have a bit of left over festive spirit and decided to do our bit to help keep you warm over the course or January (or until stocks last) with a Special Offer!

We can provide you with a top notch installation service from start to finish, as we always do, but with the added bonus of PassivSystems Advanced Heating Controls and Power Gauge Monitoring system for a significantly reduced cost. This system can yield huge savings on your heating and hot water by putting you in full control, and allowing remote access and monitoring of both heating and hot water systems.

And we can install this for only £7,000 inc VAT (subject to site visit, to ensure this system is suited to your needs. If not suitable, we will tailor the system to your needs using the same low price structure).

Get in touch now to book a FREE site visit


Use excess generation to heat water, or limit export on larger systems!

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